

Call for startups across the divide

StartUps4Peace invites Cypriots from both side of the divide with innovative business ideas to join the competition. “Applicants must be Cypriots. We are looking for startups with innovative business ideas with growth potential, incorporating vision and strategy for a united Cyprus,” the Home for Cooperation announced, adding that they are looking mainly for intercommunal projects but Cypriots with other projects may also apply. The winners will have the opportunity to attend ‘Slush’, Europe’s leading startup event which takes place every year in ...


Final conference in Rome

The EnYouthTeacher is approaching to its conclusion.  During the 24 months of the project, partners have worked and collaborated for the creation of training materials and tools addressed to entrepreneurship skills development for teachers/trainers and young unemployed people. Now representatives from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia and Latvia will meet for the project Final Conference which will be held in Rome on the 14th of July 2016. The event titled “Entrepreneurship Lessons: international open lab for the exchange of tools and ...


The Youth Department of the Council of Europe has developed a specific website dedicated to youth work and youth policy measures related to the theme of the transition to autonomy and the working lives of young Europeans. The site, called Tranzit and collecting different materials and good practice, is aimed at youth workers, youth organizations, trade unions, local authorities and private actors from all over Europe. The site analyzes in particular the issues of the rights connected with the transition to adulthood: social ...


Becoming Entrepreneurs!

Becoming Entrepreneurs is a national initiative (Italy) to support and sustain self-employment through targeted training activities and accompanying startup business. The initiative - promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, as part of the Youth Guarantee Program. The implementation is carried out by Unioncamere and implemented locally by the network of specialized structures of chambers of commerce, industry, handicrafts and agriculture. The project targets young people who do not study, do not work and are not currently engaged in educational courses ...


Interview with John Bates, Fellow of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the London Business School and an active investor, who is in Cyprus at the invitation of the British High Commission and the IDEA Programme which promotes new businesses. To read the article visit the following link  


NASA competition back to Cyprus

NASA Space Apps Challenge, the biggest event for the development of innovative and space oriented ideas, is back in Cyprus for the fourth consecutive year. It is noted that last year, one of the winner teams of the Space Apps Challenge Limassol 2015, “ArachnoBeeA”, was selected by NASA’s judging committee as the global winner in the “Best Mission Concept” category, among over 950 participants from 135 cities. Besides that, the 2013 local winner team “MarsSense” was voted as the second best project ...


2nd Annual JA Cyprus Trade Fair

On Saturday, 9 April 2016, Junior Achievement Cyprus is organizing its second Company Programme Trade Fair, which will take place from 11:00 – 16:00 at The Mall of Cyprus, Nicosia. The event will be open to Mall visitors and anyone interested in discovering the entrepreneurial spirit of Cypriot youth. During the Fair, 250 talented student entrepreneurs, aged 15-18, from all over Cyprus, representing 35 student companies, will showcase their innovative products and services. While exhibiting, experienced jury members will walk through ...


Developing and promoting entrepreneurship education has been one of the key policy objectives for the EU and Member States for many years. There is a growing awareness of the potential of young people to launch and develop their own commercial or social ventures thereby becoming innovators in the areas in which they live and work. Entrepreneurship education is essential not only to shape the mind-sets of young people but also to provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes that are central to developing an entrepreneurial culture. This ...