Archive for May, 2016


The Youth Department of the Council of Europe has developed a specific website dedicated to youth work and youth policy measures related to the theme of the transition to autonomy and the working lives of young Europeans. The site, called Tranzit and collecting different materials and good practice, is aimed at youth workers, youth organizations, trade unions, local authorities and private actors from all over Europe. The site analyzes in particular the issues of the rights connected with the transition to adulthood: social ...


The Youth Department of the Council of Europe has developed a specific website dedicated to youth work and youth policy measures related to the theme of the transition to autonomy and the working lives of young Europeans. The site, called Tranzit and collecting different materials and good practice, is aimed at youth workers, youth organizations, trade unions, local authorities and private actors from all over Europe. The site analyzes in particular the issues of the rights connected with the transition to adulthood: social ...


Becoming Entrepreneurs!

Becoming Entrepreneurs is a national initiative (Italy) to support and sustain self-employment through targeted training activities and accompanying startup business. The initiative - promoted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, as part of the Youth Guarantee Program. The implementation is carried out by Unioncamere and implemented locally by the network of specialized structures of chambers of commerce, industry, handicrafts and agriculture. The project targets young people who do not study, do not work and are not currently engaged in educational courses ...